Thank You

We are grateful to all of those who participated in submitting comments on the recently released DEIR. There has been an outpouring of public concern regarding the construction of the new Pacheco Dam project.  Along with major conservation organizations, professors, biologists, and other experts, at least 65 individuals submitted letters cautioning against this environmentally destructive and fiscally irresponsible project.  In the coming weeks we will highlight the concerns submitted to help inform our supporters. We encourage you to stay informed on key dates, important information and all news related to the Pacheco Dam project by signing up for our newsletter! Help us continue to protect Santa Clara ratepayers, the environment and working ranchlands and protect this unique and rural part of California.

“In general, both the DEIR and ADEIR are confusing, lack clarity and/or specificity, and often omit, downplay or even misrepresent special status species in the project area, adverse effects and avoidance measures, mitigation and conservation measures…”